Wednesday 31 October 2012

december vibes!!!

if you wont be spotted doping any of these these holidays , then you must kow you're having a sucking festive season!

Thursday 25 October 2012

the starnger in my life(",)

Sometimes It happens that I feel Im in my own liitle worLd where very few people exist and those that are there with me are the only people that truley exist. I met a stranger somewhere who told me stories that I had no idea would happen to such a person on this universe, he told me that when a child looses both his/her parents they are called an ORPHAN, when a sibling losses another its called a"TRAGEDY' but when a parent losses his/her child there is no name for it. I couldnt ask further nor disagree with him because none of those heartbreaking things had happened to me, then I thought I wonder what is felt by the one who lost both parents, a mother who has lost her son or daughter or a father who is now without his wife and kids,then we pray to God and ask for a lot of things but how could he take away such a portion in those peoples lives and make us beleive that "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON"- what kind of life is this?what continuation does one have in life without their parents?the very same people that brought you into this world and shortly after a few great years be taken away from you...I met this stranger and he changed my way of thinking,we have absolutely everything given to us by families and life but what we often forget is how dreadful and miserable that other person on the street walking in ragged clothing and isnt bathed and hasnt had anything to eat the past 3 days,sad is the lightest way of called it, its unnamable and undescribable, every now and then its imparative to give thanks and give a liltte to the ones with nothing. This is life and how you starnt in it is how it will co-operate with you,that very same stranger is now a very big part of my life.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

When life crumbles before their eyes

when in court himself (jujJub-Molemo Maarohanye)and partnerThemba Tshabalala are denied bail then only do they realise they're world is crumbling into 1million pieces before their eyes,despite the trouble they had caused they own families and those of the kids they had murdered they still within themselves had the ordasity to apply for bail and evidently they were denied of it. Having done so much in a stupid act of the influence of drugs and alcohol they still believed they were indeed "not guilty". Unsuprisingly they were found guilty under four courts of murder and two courts of attempted murder,use of drugs,racing on a public road and driving under the influence of drugs... THEY DESERVE EVERY SINGLE OUNCE OF SUFFERING THEY WILL GET,becuase had this been done to their own kids, they too wouldve wanted the same punishment , this is life being "unfair" to them and their families and "fair"to the parents of their deceased kids and those that were badly injured! CASE CLOSE

Thursday 11 October 2012

summer dresses, whats in and whats NOT???

a million ways to show off that tan and feel great at the same time...December is knocking on a million doors  :)

simple can be elegant.

it is said that a lady's outfit is incomplete if the shoe DOES NOT compliment it...

was he really God sent...

so here is the thing, during the week long holiday I bumped into someone who "claimed "he was sent by God to tell me about my future,at first I was skeptical about listening to him but then again ,he looked clean and smelt quite good. He said he had seen me in a dream he had, a couple of times to be exact and in his dreams I appeared to be "a healer" but I was the ones that preach! the shock and adrenelin within me made me walk away immediately...I didnt know if I was rude or maybe I just didnt  want to hear what more he had to say because , ME and preaching just dont collaborate!I wasnt intensionally being rude but I hesitated and freaked out<i walked back and funny enough he was there waiting patiently,What does this man want from me?if God has big plans for me then I shall wait for him to deliver or was that him giving me an actual sign???lost and confused I kindly asked the man for his name and why exactly is he after me, he walked away and told me he had done his bit and the rest was up to me and that I should go to church...Now im the one left looking for this annonymous man because I did go to church the past Sunday and I was blessed more than I ever thought I could ever be ,Mr , Sir , Bhuti uphi because I think I know what you want from me.